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Oct. 25th, 1933.

Dear Parsons:

It is very pleasant indeed, to know you are back in this country and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

There are two things I want to tell you, the one is, that due to an early appointment away up town, I do not expect to be back in the office tomorrow morning, Thursday, before 11:30. The other is, that John Cunningham is having luncheon with me tomorrow at one o'clock, and should you have nothing better to do I would so much enjoy your joining us. 

Don't trouble to answer, but just come in at that time if it fits in with your plans, as I hope. 

"A bientôt",

Yours most sincerely, 

(Germain Seligmann)

Harold Woodbury Parsons, Esq.,
Waldorf Astoria Hotel, 
New York, New York.