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October 12th, 1937

Decorators Picture Gallery
554 Madison Avenue
New York, New York

Attention of Miss Sardi

Dear Miss Sardi:

I have been informed by Mr. Levy with whom you conversed over the telephone the other day, that you wish to have certain information on the pictures which we are lending to your exhibition. I, therefore, take the liberty of sending you herewith all the details and data I have about these pictures.

I am forced to omit, for the time being, prices for the "Portrait of a Young Girl" by Colson and "La Sieste" by Mercier. These pictures were sent to us from Paris and we have not as yet received information as to what they cost. No doubt Mr. Germain Seligmann who is arriving on the "Normandie" this coming Thursday will have all the data concerning them, which I shall let you have at once.

Should you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to call me up, and I shall be very glad to be at your disposal.

With every good wish for the great success of your exhibition, and with kindest regards, I am

Always sincerely,

(R.H. Waegen)
