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and found two. When Mrs Hawkins took the shell off the smaller one she found pretty nearly 2 dozen eggs Which almost proves my theory that you can tell a male from a female because the latter has a high narrow back while the former has a broad flat back.
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The turtles have not come out yet. I have been trying to shoot you some bats with light shot.
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We had a baby turtle but it froze. I saw some funny water turtles down at a lake the other side of the river. They are about six inches long and 5 wide. I think they are snappers. I did not succeed in getting any. 

Back in the hills towards Victorville I saw a singular bird. It looks like

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a road-run^[[ner]] but is smaller and a light brown with a darker crest and a longer tail for its size, the tip of which is white underneath and black on top. It makes a shrill note as it runs and moves its tail up and down.

Miss Leonowens saw an eagle with a rabbit in its talons.

Thank you ever so much for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] that bird book you sent us. Robert went with us to the Verde and we shot lots of duck including pintails but no canvasbacks or mallards.

I shot two [[sprigs?]] at McLanes. We also shot a big squirrel. Hugh trapped for coyotes and skunks but did not get any.

Mr. McLane and his son caught

Transcription Notes:
Anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]] -@siobhanleachman made a few edits, but still one [[?]] -@meg_shuler