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[[underlined]] Perognathus parvus [[/underlined]]
subsp. [[/underlined]] nov.

[[underlined]] Type [[/underlined]] 236394, USNM B.S. [[male symbol]] ad. L.J.G. no. 2752. from Echo Crater, 20 mi. SW. of Areo, Idaho. June 24, 1921.

Larger & much blacker than [[underlined]] P. parvus [[/underlined]] or any other form of the group. Upper parts sooty black with but a trace of the buffy color showing through: Lower part, feet, lower half of tail clear buff or buffy gray with a large white [[strikethrough]] spot [[/strikethrough]] patch on breast and small white [[strikethrough]] spots on [[/strikethrough]] chin and inguinal [[strikethrough]] anus [[/strikethrough]] spots [[strikethrough]] of white. [[/strikethrough]] Skull much larger, broader heavier than in parvus

[[underlined]] Measurements of Type [[/underlined]] 189, 102, 24, ear dry 7 mm.

Transcription Notes:
Areo - think Vernon means Aero. L.J.G = L. J. Goldman Can't work out two words! -@siobhanleachman Pretty confident Vernon changed "around anus" to inguinal, overwriting "around" and striking through "anus" - @raferrante