Viewing page 53 of 75

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[preprinted]] 106 [[/preprinted]]
June 1, 1912
Sp. for Russell

164917  TS Herc.
I 36046
A, only hyd. seen.
I 25386

210930 AE Cygni
Marked on I 27648 from chart in A.N. 184, 97.
Probably too faint for sp.
Too ft. on I 32272

090151 V Urs. maj.
I 31443 cover marked Ma?  V?  W.P.F.
Inage ft.  Too poor to classif.

I 31601  Too poor
I 31520  may be K.
Apparently not A.
I 35818  K?
[[end page]]

[[new page]]
[[preprinted]] 107 [[/preprinted]]
[[underline]] June 12, 1912 [[/underline]]

Spectra looked up for Yale.
Ident. by A.M.C.
Checked by L.D.W.
+3° 2338 (1900) 10 8.9 +3 3.9

I 36660  Wrong object looked at.
[[strikethrough]] Get long. disp. [[/strikethrough]]
+3° 2338 = G5 (good)

+67° 935
I 36214

+31° 2873 
G0  on I 36118

+10° 3665
G5 or K0 on I 36082
[[strikethrough]] +10°  K0 on I 37278 [[/strikethrough]]

+2° 4295
G5 on I 36744