Viewing page 13 of 110

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Dec. 8, 1911 (Cont.)

I 37341 

[[4 column table]]
No. | Class | Int. | Remark |
141 | A | 2 |   |
142 | A | [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] 2 | E
143 | A  | [[strikethrough]] 3 [[strikethrough]] 4| E
144 | B9 | 3 |   |
Time 12:12
145 | A | 5 | E |
[[strikethrough]] 146 [[/strikethrough]]


Cards made out

[[5 column table]]

141 | +67° 246 | 2 56 58 | +67 48.1 | 8.8 [[checkmark]]
142 | +69° 199 | 2 55 45 | +69 12.6 | 8.0 [[checkmark]]
143 | +69° 203 | 3 2 49 | +69 26.2 | 7.7 [[checkmark]]
144 | +68° 230 | 3 3 51 | +68 54.4 | 8.0 [[checkmark]]
145 | +69° 205 | 3 6 16 | +69 11.7 | 6.5

Ident. by J. C. M. Dee 13'11
Checked by A.M.C  July 13, 1912