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June 27, 1912


[[4 column table]]

No.|Int. | Class|Remark
109|3 | F0|
110|7 | B8|
111|8 | B8|
112|8 | B8|
113|4 | B9|Nearly all superposed on 112
114|4 | K0|
115|7 | A0|
116|6 | A3|
117|2 | Y5|
118|8 | B9|
119|4 | Y5|
120|4 | B9|
121|4 | K0|
122|4 | A |Uncertain due to image of 123. Hy strong as in A or F
123|7 | K0|
124|7 | A0|
125|4 | F5|
126|3 | A0|
127|5 | K0|
128|3 | K2|
129|4 | B9|
130|5 | F8|
131|2 | A |
132|6 | K0|
133|3 | A2|
134|2 | F5|
135|3 | A0|


109|-36° | 3565|7 | 18.1|-36 | 29.8 | 9.0|^✓
110|-36° | 3554|7 | 17.4|-36 | 23.8 | 8.5|^✓
111|-36° | 3557|7 | 17.6|-36 | 16.7 | 8.0|^✓
112|-36° | 3550|7 | 17.2|-36 | 15.6 | 8.0|^✓
113|-36° | 3549|7 | 17.1|-36 | 12.4 | 9.1|^✓
114|-35° | 3545|7 | 17.2|-35 | 12.3 | 8.1|^✓
115|-35° | 3538|7 | 16.7|-35 | 16.1 | 8.0|^✓
116|-34° | 3532|7 | 15.6|-34 | 51.1 | 8.3|^✓
117|-34° | 3530|7 | 15.4|-34 | 50.5 | 9.0|^✓
118|-34° | 3517|7 | 14.6|-34 | 57.7 | 8.0|^✓
119|-34° | 3521|7 | 14.8|-34 | 48.6 | 8.7|^✓
120|-34° | 3519|7 | 14.7|-34 | 37.1 | 8.9|^✓
121|-34° | 3532|7 | 15.0|-34 |  0.8 | 8.5|^✓
122|-33° | 3695|7 | 14.6|-33 | 35.7 | 9.3|^✓
123|-33° | 3696|7 | 14.6|-33 | 30.0 | 6.9|^✓
124|-33° | 3707|7 | 15.4|-33 | 22.1 | 8.3|^✓
125|-33° | 3713|7 | 15.8|-33 | 19.1 | 8.7|^✓
126|-33° | 3728|7 | 16.9|-33 | 24.4 | 9.7[[strikethrough]]3730|7 | 16.9|-33 | 24.0 | 9.6[[/strikethrough]]|✓
-33°2730 maqn. 9.b superposed
127|-33° | 3733|7 | 17.0|-33 | 45.6 | 7.9|^✓
128|-34° | 3544|7 | 16.6|-34 |  1.3 | 8.0|^✓
129|-33° | 3717|7 | 16.0|-33 | 55.9 | 9.0|^✓
130|-34° | 3552|7 | 17.3|-34 | 20.3 | 8.9|^✓
131|-34° | 3553|7 | 17.3|-34 |  4.3 | 9.6|^✓
132|-34° | 3570|7 | 18.9|-34 | 16.2 | 7.4|^✓
133|-34° | 3561|7 | 18.0|-34 | 30.7 | 8.7|^✓
134|-34° | 3560|7 | 18.0|-34 | 49.7 | 9.0|^✓
135|-34° | 3557|7 | 17.7|-34 | 57.0 | 9.0|^✓
cards made out