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Friday, June 28, 1912

B42915 short disp.

[[4 column table]]

No.|Int. | Class|Remark
163|2 | A |E.
164|5 | Y5|
165|4 | K0|
166|4 | K0|
167|7 | Y0|
168|3 | Y0|
169|2 | K |Partly superposed on 170.
170|4 | B9|
171|8 | B9|
172|9 | B |
173|3 | Ma|E.
174|3 | A |E.
175|4 | B9|
176|3 | A0|
177|4 | A0|
178|4 | A0|
179|2 | A3|
180|4 | Y5|
181|7 | K5|
182|4 | A3|
183|2 | A |
184|6 | A0|
185|5 | B9|
186|7 | A0|
187|8 | B9|
188|9 | B3|
189|3 | A0|


163|-33° | 3586|7 | 7.8|-33 | 40.6 | 9.4|^✓
164|-32° | 3782|7 | 8.7|-32 | 58.3 | 8.5|^✓
165|-32° | 3777|7 | 8.6|-32 | 37.0 | 8.5|^✓
166|-32° | 3800|7 | 9.5|-32 | 13.7 | 8.0|^✓
167|-32° | 3807|7 |10.0|-32 | 20.7 | 8.0|^✓
168|-32° | 3813|7 |10.3|-32 | 35.0 | 8.5|^✓
169|-31° | 4244|7 |10.6|-31 | 43.3 | 8.8|^✓
170|-31° | 4243|7 |10.5|-31 | 41.8 | 9.1|^✓
171|-31° | 4224|7 | 9.8|-31 | 16.7 | 7.9|^✓
172|-31° | 4209|7 | 9.3|-31 | 25.5 | 7.6|^✓
173|-31° | 4174|7 | 7.7|-31 | 46.3 | 7.5|^✓
174|-32° | 3772|7 | 8.2|-32 | 18.3 | 9.1|^✓
175|-31° | 4334|7 |14.1|-31 | 46.9 | 9.1|^✓
176|-31° | 4325|7 |13.7|-31 | 45.9 | 8.9|^✓
177|-32° | 3871|7 |13.7|-32 |  3.2 | 9.3|^✓
178|-31° | 4306|7 |12.9|-31 | 55.0 | 8.8|^✓
179|-31° | 4318|7 |13.4|-31 | 31.8[[strikethrough]]27.8[[/strikethrough]] | 9.1[[strikethrough]]8.5[[/strikethrough]]|^✓
180|-31° | 4313[[strikethrough]]4308[[/strikethrough]]|7 | 13.1[[strikethrough]]13.0[[/strikethrough]]|-31 | 27.8 | 8.5[[strikethrough]]9.4[[/strikethrough]]|^✓
181|-31° | 4270|7 |11.6|-31 | 49.3 | 7.1|^✓
182|-32° | 3832|7 |11.4|-32 |  7.0 | 9.0|^✓
183|-31° | 4262|7 |11.3|-31 | 31.9 | 9.3|^✓
184|-31° | 4275|7 |11.7|-31 |  2.8 | 8.9|^✓
185|-31° | 4265|7 |11.4[[strikethrough]]11.7[[/strikethrough]]|-31 | 2.0[[strikethrough]]2.8[[/strikethrough]] | 9.8[[strikethrough]]8.9[[/strikethrough]]|^✓
186|-30° | 4283|7 |13.9|-30 | 59.8 | 8.6|^✓
187|-30° | 4260|7 |13.2|-30 | 43.3 | 7.9|^✓
188|-30° | 4276|7 |13.7|-30 | 34.1 | 7.3|^✓
189|-32° | 4240|7 |33.7|-32 | 48.2 | 9.0|^✓
cards made out