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Friday, June 28, 1912

           B42915 short disp.

[[4 column table]]

No.|Int. Class| Remark
217|4       A5|
218|2       G5|
219|3        A|
220|3       A5|
221|6       B8|
222|5       B9|
223|3        A|
224|4        A|Partly superposed on 223.
225|6       B8|
226|3       F2|
227|3       A0|
228|3       K0|
229|3       A2|
230|2       A0|
231|2        A|
232|5       A0|
233|2        A|
234|2       K2|Partly superposed on 233.
235|3       B9|
236|3       F5|
237|2       F8|The s.p. of two.
238|5       A2|
239|6       F0|
240|3        A|Peailian lines - look up.
241|4       A2|
242|3       G5|
243|3       A0|


217|-32° | 3981|7 | 20.1|-32 | 31.9 | 8.5|^✓
218|-32° | 3984|7 | 20.3|-32 | 25.6 | 9.0|^✓
219|-33° | 3791|7 | 20.6|-33 | 18.3 | 9.4|^✓
220|-31°[[strikethrough]]-33°[[/strikethrough]] | 4478|7 | 19.8|-31[[strikethrough]]-33[[/strikethrough]] | 48.9 | 9.0|^✓
221|-31° | 4469|7 | 19.3|-31 | 55.3 | 8.5|^✓
222|-31° | 4471|7 | 19.3|-31 | 47.3 | 8.9|^✓
223|-31°[[strikethrough]]-33°[[/strikethrough]] | 4472|7 | 19.3|-31[[strikethrough]]-33[[/strikethrough]] | 39.6 | 9.7|^✓
[[strikethrough]]-31° h/.h/08 uu\h[[?]]
-31° h/h/07 superposed?[[/strikethrough]]
224|-31°[[strikethrough]]-33°[[/strikethrough]] | 4467[[strikethrough]]4472[[/strikethrough]]|7 | 19.3|-31[[strikethrough]]-33[[/strikethrough]] | 39.8 | 9.3[[strikethrough]]9.7[[/strikethrough]]|^✓
see chart plate
-31°[[strikethrough]]-33°[[/strikethrough]] 4468 Superposed
Sp.K on B24475
225|-31°[[strikethrough]]-33°[[/strikethrough]] | 4445|7 | 18.5|-31[[strikethrough]]-33[[/strikethrough]] | 48.2 | 8.3|^✓
226|-31° | 4451|7 | 18.7|-31 | 30.6 | 9.0|^✓
227|-31° | 4447|7 | 18.6|-31 | 15.0 | 9.3|^✓
228|-31° | 4429|7 | 17.8|-31 |  0.7 | 8.1|^✓
229|-31° | 4416|7 | 17.3|-31 | 12.2 | 9.6|^✓
230|-31° | 4410|7 | 17.0|-31 | 28.5 | 9.1|^✓
231|-32° | 3935|7 | 17.5|-32 |  0.8 | 9.5|^✓
232|-31° | 4414|7 | 17.2|-31 | 57.0 | 8.9|^✓
233[[strikethrough]]234[[/strikethrough]]|-31° | 4418|7 | 17.3|-31 | 46.6 | 9.2|^✓
234[[strikethrough]]235[[/strikethrough]]|-31° | 4420|7 | 17.4|-31 | 47.6 | 8.0|^✓
235[[strikethrough]]236[[/strikethrough]]|-31° | 4396|7 | 16.5|-31 | 47.3 | 8.9|^✓
236[[strikethrough]]237[[/strikethrough]]|-31° | 4386|7 | 16.1|-31 | 48.6 | 8.6|^✓
237[[strikethrough]]238[[/strikethrough]]|-32° | 3962|7 | 16.2|-32 |  3.5 | 9.0|^✓
238[[strikethrough]]239[[/strikethrough]]|-30° | 4372|7 | 16.7|-30 | 50.3 | 8.9|^✓
239[[strikethrough]]240[[/strikethrough]]|-30° | 4357[[strikethrough]]4337[[/strikethrough]]|7 | 16.2[[strikethrough]]16.1[[/strikethrough]]|-30 | 38.5[[strikethrough]]38.1[[/strikethrough]] | 8.7[[strikethrough]]8.4[[/strikethrough]]|^✓
240|-30° | 4332|7 | 15.6|-30 | 49.6 | 9.5|^✓
-30° 4333[[strikethrough]]4332[[/strikethrough]]^[[maqw. 9.5]] Superposed
241|-30° | 4329[[strikethrough]]4229[[/strikethrough]]|7 | 15.5|-30 | 58.6 | 8.4|^✓
242|-31° | 4375|7 | 15.6|-31 | 25.1 | 8.4|^✓
243|-31° | 4362|7 | 15.3|-31 | 28.2 | 9.0|^✓
cards made out

Transcription Notes:
[[?]]Side Notes