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July 9.  Got up early, took traps & gun & started into the woods. 
Killed some birds, a Red Squirrel & chipmunk - saw lots more -, found a juncos nest, got some sketches, & set some traps.
In afternoon prepared the specimens & set some more traps
Looked up a few plants in the botany. 
Cold enough in the morning for an overcoat & gloves. at noon hot.

" [[ditto for: July]] 10. Cold night & hot day.
Caught a .Skunk & Sorex personatus
Can't seem to get a Woodchuck.
Went to traps, hunted & skinned things. Shot at bats in evening but did'nt get one.
A rather poor day.

" [[ditto for: July]] 11. Very warm day - 96[[degree symbol]].
Went to traps & hunted till noon.
Got a Neotoma, some other

Transcription Notes:
Sorex personatus = masked shrew -@siobhanleachman