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July 29. Sunday, hot & dry.
Felt weak, staid in house all day. Didn't eat or drink much.

" [[ditto for: July]] 30. Hunted all forenoon, got some birds & identified many more. Set 6 traps. Got very tired. Rested awhile & then went out in P.M., got a Shorelark & L. sylvaticus. Saw a Jack Rabbit saw one in morning to.
Set 8 traps for Gophers, mice etc. Eat a good square supper & will feel better or worse in morning. A cool windy day. Got very thirsty but did drink between meals.

" [[ditto for: July]] 31. Went to traps, got nothing but a Hesperomys, killed a Lepus sylvaticus
Had a good shot at a L. campestris but didn't fetch him, the other barrel snapped. Killed 2 Prairie Dogs & saved their skulls. They are feeding on cactus seeds & stems.