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Aug. 4. The holes of Skunks & Badgers & the hills of Thomomys talpoides are common all along.
At 9 A.M., the driver found that he had lost or left a mailbag & so put up his team, took a horse & went back after it, while I took the shot gun & note book & tramped over the valley.
I shot a few S. richardsoni; &, on coming into a Prairie Dog town, soon noticed that their voices were different from any that I had ever heard, & also that the dirt thrown out of their holes was all on one side. The matter seems to need investigating & I soon had a Prairie Dog to examine. The first glance showed plainly that it was not a Ludovocianus.
I then secured another & took such notes on their habits as was possible to observe in the next few hours.
Shot & skinned a Falco mexicana, the first that I had found to identify.