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Aug. 28. Left Cheyenne at 5:55 A.M. & climbed the grade of 2000 ft. to Sherman, the highest point on the U.P.R.R.
Stopped at Sherman & hunted the rest of day, but found nothing of especial interest or that I had not found at the Medicine Mts.
Set some traps for Thomomys, could not find or learn of any Prairie Dogs in the vacinity.
Made a list of the birds but found none of kinds not found near before.

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 29. Got up a daylight & went to traps caught 2 Thomomys & a good Onychomys. [[strikethrough]] Sh [[/strikethrough]]
Went back to station & learned that the train had run into the ditch & was behind time, so skinned the gophers & took the first freight train for Laramie & waited for the train in evening.
Sketched Onychomys & put it in Alcohol.