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Jan 22. Left the Santa Clara & climbed over the Beverdam Mountains. The snow increased till at the summit of the range where it is a foot deep. Passing the summit the snow is soon gone & the ground bare & dry. A striking contrast between the vegetation on north & south slopes. On the north are many shrubs & plants new to me & cedar & Pinus edulis: on the south, no trees, but a tree like Yucca & 6 new kinds of cacti. Tamias, Lipus syl. & Wild Cat track abundant over the summit. Birds scarce.

A hard pull over the range but good road & easy slope down & we reached the Virgin River after dark & camped at Beverdam. A clear warm day, wind blows down river as usual on clear days.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler