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Feb. 16  Not cold in morning but windy & raw all day & snowing about half the time. snow melting as it falls. Hunted horses most of day.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 17 Sunday. +20 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise, clear. Warm a little while in middle of day. Decided not to hunt horses today.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 18  +23 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise. clear & warm through day.

Hunted horses among the mountains till noon, then Keays went another way for them. A man brought the horses from Quail Springs, 15 miles back on our road. 

Killed a Geococcyx californianus, the first I have seen. Made some skins.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler