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Mch. 27 Caught a Perognathus, a Dipodomys agilis. & a D. deserti.

No Beaver.

Did'nt get started till after sunrise ran almost steadily till 3 P.M.

Camped on east side of River 15 miles above Nortons Landing & 5 miles below the Paymaster Mine.

Set traps - 15. Made 3 skins, got supper & baked bread for tomorrow.

Tramped over the hills about half an hour at noon but found no signs of life.

The high ground seems to be too bare & stony to support life. The broad river valley with timbered flats that I struck at the Colorado Agency, the morning of the 25, here narrows down to a little strip over one side of the river & soon ends at a rocky caƱon.

Clear & warm 83 [[degree symbol]] at 3 P.M.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler