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Apr. 10. 44 [[degree symbol]] in morning. not hot. 

Caught & shot 4 Spermophiles, 5 Tamias. Tamias all young. saw more.

Found a Vulps macrotis den & set 6 traps at the holes. Saw the old Fox & 2 young ones. Made 6 skins.

Caught a lizzard & a toad.

Loaded shells in evening. Caught a Badger in a gopher trap.

" [[ditto for: Apr.]] 11 Cloudy & windy with a heavy storm to the east in evening.

Caught one old & 2 young V. macrotis in morning & a young one in evening.

Caught a Mus musculus, an Onychomys, a H. sonoriensis, a Dipodomys agilis, a Thomomys & 2 Spermophilus tereticaudus. Made 8 skins. Went to town & to traps twice.

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