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Apr. 25 caught 2 D. deserti & shot a young Spermophile & some birds.

Made 4 skins & made out a small report. 

Not so hot today.

Took up my traps & intend to go back to Tacna tomorrow morning.

" [[ditto for: Apr.]] 26 Took the 8:30 train for Tacna - 22 miles W. of Texas Hill - Took a bag of traps & gun & valise & blanket. Sent trunk to Maricopa.

Set traps for Thomomys & got 6 before dark.

Found a den of Vulpes macrotis. set all my traps there - 8. Saw the old Fox & 3 young. Shot at the old one & heard her bark.

They had 48 holes on a flat plain.

101 [[degree symbol]] by my thermometer. heat schorching.

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added "26". -@siobhanleachman