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Sep. 23. Sunday. a warm day. Set out my traps under pressure of much to do & not half enough time to do it.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 24. Hunted two hours before breakfast. Killed a Porcupine & a Rabbit & caught 6 mice.

Skinned mice till noon, then set all of my traps - 20 - & skinned the Porcupine after supper. Worked a while on my report in evening.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 25. Went to traps before daylight, Caught a Bever by one toe but it got away. caught some Thomomys & A. austerus. Saw a deer. finished the specimens before noon.

In P.M. packed the specimens, packed my trunk after supper & the worked on report till 1:30 & went to bed tired.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman Reviewed again. Added back in [[end page]] as requested in the instructions. See the blue box at the top left of this page. -@siobhanleachman.