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Oct. 30. Took more traps & went up the canyon & set them for mice & Thomomys. Found 3 Arvicola longicaudus & a Nesorex palustris in yesterdays traps.

Shot a Red Squirrel.

Didn't get back till 1 P.M., then skinned the things.

A warm pleasant day.

"[[ditto for: Oct.]] 31. Went to traps in morning. Caught Six Hesperomys, one A. longicaudus, one Nesorex palustris, & shot a Weasel & two Chipmunks [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of different kinds. saw 2 more Chipmunks but couldn't get them, Took up my traps & set the cyclone traps along creek for shrews & mice. Thomomys hardly stir, only one trap covered, are not throwing out fresh hills.

Saw very few birds, a few Juncos, Chickadees, & a Longcrested Jay. 

Skinned things all of P.M. Cloudy all day & rained all of P.M., Snowed higher up, Cold & nasty.

Transcription Notes:
Added [[end page]] markup as requested by instructions, edited Arvieola to Arvicola as Vernon frequently writes his c's like e's. -@Siobhanleachman