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Nov. 1. Snowed all night & snow lays about 6 inches deep, is soft & the trees & bushes loaded. Not froze but wet & sloppy.
Had 18 cyclone traps set for shrews & mice & found them all. Caught 4 Nesorex palustris, 1 Sorex personatus, a Hesperomomys, & one Thomomys.

Took up traps, skinned the things & packed specimens & begun on report.

Colder in evening & going to freeze up.

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 2, Morning, cold, windy & ground froze hard.

Packed my trunk, finished my report, & started for Salt Lake at noon. Reached there at 3 P.M. & found it warm & dry in the valley.

Saw 4 Tamias quadrivittatus along the road & but few birds.

Went to P.O. & then out in the country & set traps for Thomomys & Arvicolae.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added [[end page]] markup and edited Arvieola to Arvicola as Vernon's c's can look like e's. -@siobhanleachman