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Nov. 3 Went to my traps & got two Arvicolas but no Thomomys. Then went to the P.O., Wrote some, & spent a few hours about town. At 4 P.M. Took the train for Provo & arrived here in evening.

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 4. Sunday.

Rained in the night & then snowed all day so I could'nt see across town. Stopped storming in evening & cleared up. Very wet & muddy & sloppy.

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 5. Clear & cold in morning, ground froze.

Took my gun & started out to find a place to stay near the mountains. Found a place to board with an old bachelor - Mr. G. Conrad - & got my trunk & things & in P.M. went up the caƱon & set traps & hunted.

The snow is mostly gone in the valley the ground is wet.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added [[end page]] markup and edited Arvieola to Arvicola - Vernon's c's can look like e's. -@siobhanleachman