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Nov. 16. Finished my report, went to town, worked at box of trays some & packed part of the skins. Rained all of P.M. & still raining.

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 17. Rained all night but stopped at daylight. Had a few traps set & went to these. Caught a big skunk in one & a big dog in another. Packed up things, went to P.O. wrote some in evening. Muddy, but warm & quite pleasant.

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 18. Sunday. Warm & pleasant

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 19. Bought my horses & wagon & harness, hitched up & went back to get my things & didnt get off till afternoon. Had to get a lot of stuff in town & did'nt get started from Provo till sundown & only went about 3 miles & camped.
Warm & cloudy.