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Nov. 29. Snowed in night, rained all of A.M. Roads worse. snow all melts in valley.
Reached Manti at noon & camped in a yard up close to the mountains. Went up cañon & set a few traps & went to P.O. in evening. Partly cleared up in P.M.

"[[ditto for: Nov.]] 30. Cold morning but clear & a pleasant day. Started for the Mts. about sunrise. Took a lunch & 25 traps. Climbed till after noon & wasnt quite to the top yet. Wanted to find Snowshoe Rabbits & Red Squirrels & Arvicolas & Neosorex, but didnt find signs of any of them. Saw lots of weasel track & higher up lots of Deer tracks.

There is no snow in valley, at bottom of cañons a little. half way up it is 6 in. deep. At the top it is 2 ft. deep & solid. Slow hard traveling. Thick spruce forests high up. Got back at dark.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added [[end page]] markup per instructions, edited Arvieolas to Arvicolas as Vernon's c's can look like e's, edited & took [[Nesorex?]] out of brackets, I think it is Neosorex with the o & the s almost written over each other. -@siobhanleachman