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Dec. 7. Went to traps & set some more.

Caught a Thomomys & a Sorex & an Arvicola.

Made 12 skins.

A warm day.

"[[ditto for: Dec.]] 8. A cold night - 19 above 0 - slept cold & got up early.

Caught 4 Thomomys & 7 Arvicolas, & some Hesperomys. Made 7 skins & went to town. Got letters & wrote some. A warm, pleasant day, cold evening.

"[[ditto for: Dec.]] 9. Sunday. Cold night - 20 above 0 -

warm day.

"[[ditto for: Dec.]] 10. Mercury at +19 in morning. Went to traps & took up most of them. Caught a few things.

Made 9 skins. went to town for mail & oats for horses.