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Dec. 11. A cool night, +19 in morning. Herb Keays came while I was eating breakfast. Begun preparations for moving at once. Took up the rest of traps. Caught 1 Ochetodon.

Packed up & was in Manti before noon but had to wait for mail & other business till 1:30.

Then started out & passed through Gunnison at dark & camped among Grease-brush in valley. Came 15 mi. Saw but little life along the road. A pleasant day.

" [[Ditto for: Dec]] 12. A warmer night than usual, still it froze quite hard & heavy frost.

Left camp at Gunnison a little after sunrise & traveled to within 7 miles of Richfield. Camped at sundown & set 14 traps. A warm, pleasant day, but few notes taken, little change in country. The weather is growing warmer or else the latitude effects it.