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Dec. 26. Traveled about 15 miles & then camped & set traps, mostly for Neotoma.
Took a few notes but no mammals.
Roads very bad.
Cloudy, ground froze a little in morning.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 27. At Moccasin Springs. Arizona. Herb hunted all day for horses & didn't find them. I went to traps, got 3 Hesperomys, probably californica, with big ears. made 5 skins & set  more traps. Snowed about 1/2 inch in night & snowed & rained by spells all day, warm & ground bare at night.
Set trap by a sheep that was killed last night.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 28. Caught a Wild Cat at sheep. & a Neotoma

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] . Found horses & started at 10 A.M.
Passed Pipe Springs at noon & made good time till dark. roads mostly good. Country all sand. Saw two Coyotes, heard more howling. Saw 4 or 5 Tamias, did'nt get any. Set traps in evening. Warm & summer like.
Snow on hills. Found a little flower.

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Dec. 29. Traveled all day & made good time in A.M. In P.M. the roads were nearly all gumbo & we could only go at the slowest walk, didnt make more than 6 or 8 miles. camped in a deep valley 30 miles from St. George.
A warm day. Saw several Tamias out among the sagebrush in valley. 
Saw 6 Lepus texianus & 2 Coyotes.

" [[Ditto for: Dec.]] 30. Sunday. found no water where we camped & so had to push on 5 miles to a creek. Stopped at old Ft. Defiance, 24 miles to St. George. Saw lots of Tamias , & several sitting on cacti & greese bushes 4 feet high.
Clear & warm. freezing nights.

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (20 Aug 17) reviewed - Ink blot obscures "last night" at the end of 27 Dec. entry. - Ditto under Dec. 28 entry is another Dec. 28 entry (so ditto is for both "Dec." and "28"). - Transcriber did not mis-type "didn't" in error. Original had the error.