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Aug. 17. Caught 3 Skunks & 2 Neotomas & shot some birds & a Pine Squirrel.
Made 6 bird skins & 5 mammals.
Killed two of the Skunks by breaking their backs & saved their skins.
A pleasant day & no rain.
56 [[degree symbol]] in morning.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 18 Sunday.
54 [[degree symbol]] in morning. 70 [[degree symbol]] in P.M.
Windy & fall like. There ought to be a move among birds.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 19 Shot 7 Hummers before breakfast, made up their skins in A.M.
Hunted & set traps in Kendries Park in P.M. Saw a large fawn but could not catch it. Shot 7 Phalropes in Walker lake. Found 3 dead cattle by Walker lake under trees that have been struck by lightning.
Sent our cook to town for mail.
C.H.M & party returned just in time for supper, after having a hard trip. Were about worn out.
A cool day. no rain.

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Transcription Notes:
Phalropes - think Vernon means phalarope. -@siobhanleachman