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Aug. 20. Got a Gos Hawk & a Poor-will & 4 Thomomys. Made some bird skins. Cold morning - 50 [[degree symbol]]. Pleasant day.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 21 Made skins most of A.M.
Chased 6 Antelope out of Kendries Park.
My horse gained on them while on level ground but they ran among stones & beat me.
Went up the Mt. in P.M., not quite up to timber line. Got a Kinglet but no other new species.

" [[Ditto for: Aug.]] 22 Caught 3 Thomomys. Put up 5 mammal skins in A.M. & 3 in evening.
Made 8 bird skins.
Went up to traps in high park in evening & caught an Arvicola & 2 Sorex & a Hesperomys.
Saw 2 Owls - Bubo.
A cool day, mostly cloudy.

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