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Aug. 30 Came down from mountain where I have been staying since the 26th near timber line & about 11000 feet high.
Found two streams of water higher up,
It comes from under rocks & is at a temp. of 33 [[degree symbol]] (F). where is comes to light.
Caught some Sorexes & Arvicolas along the water courses, got a Tamias lateralis above the highest timber & some T. 4vittatus nearly as high. Took Thomomys & Hesperomys & Pine Squirrels close to timber line. Killed a Golden Eagle on rock at water. It measured 7 ft. 2 in. across wings & 35 in. long.
Made but one trip from my camp to the summit. Found Porcupine gnawings but no Porcupines. Saw no game.
Helped C.H.M eat the Eagle, but it was tough & bad. & foul smelling.
Have not felt well for a week or more & could not climb easily.
There was frost this morning on grass & leaves along the streams. It is much cooler than down at camp.

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