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Sep. 1 Sunday.

" [[Ditto for: Sep.]] 2 Went down to cedars to get altitude of tree zones. Got a few specimens.

" [[Ditto for: Sep.]] 3 Were going to Bill Williams Mt. but couldnt find our horses & so gave it up. Explored the Buttes to the west of camp.

" [[Ditto for: Sep.]] 4 Went down to a steep red crater N.E. of O'Leary Peak, probably 15 miles. Camped near crater on black cinders at an altitude of near 6000 feet.
Set 24 traps in the chapparral brush Knowlton saw 8 Antelope. The rest of [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]] us saw one, tracks common.
Killed a Tamias leucurus, saw another. 
Killed two Rabbits of the new species.
Had no water except in our canteens.

" [[Ditto for: Sep.]] 5 Caught an Onychomys, killed some birds, & on the way home killed 3 S. Grammurus & a Lepus texensis.
Found lots of Horn toads.
Got home at 6 P.M., tired & thirsty but with a lot of good specimens.

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