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Oct. 3 Got up & started before sunrise for O'Leary Peak. Left Cub at the base on west side at 7250 feet.
Went around on S. side & climbed it where Pinus ponderosa runs up the highest, which is 20 [[degree symbol]] W. of S. on a rounded slope.
The mountain is very steep, (30 [[degree symbol]]) & all loose fine cindars except the rocky crest & sides of old crater.
On the rounded S.W. side Ponderosa runs up to the top & Pseudotsuga douglasi & Pinus flexatis begin at 8150 feet.
On the W. side of mountain P. douglasi & P. flexilis begin at 7450 & run to the top all around but on the most exposed S. slope. Here Ponderosa & pinus edulis & Juniperus virginianus & circocarpus parvifolia run up to the top, but are scattering.
On the very top are flexilis & douglasi & popples, which above cover the higher N. slope down to 7950, in the crater, where ponderosa begins. Douglasi & flexalis extend down the crater, N, to 7250 & popples to 7500.
The crater is on the same general plan as that of San Francisco Mt. & Kendries. It opens to the N.E. & has blown out to the bottom. A great circular dike of lava has filled up, over 200 feet high on the inside at the, at the opening.