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Oct. Rode till late, but the moon is full & it is light, camped by an old log & slept with my back to it to keep out of the cold wind.
Saw 5 Deer above Ft. Maroni.
Arvicola holes were common on the side of the mountain.
Shot a Sciurus aberti to see if its ear tufts had grown, but they had[[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]] not more than started. shot it with my aux.
A cold windy day, a little snow on the summit in morning.

" [[Ditto for: Oct.]] 9 Got up before sunrise & started. Went to Elden Spring & then around the base of mountain east.
Found an Abes like the one at Grand CaƱon, on the sides of mountain & a square barked cedar. The mountain is so steep & bare rock that I could not well climb it. There are few trees on it any way & they seem to be all the same from bottom to top.
Went about 10 miles down the Turkey Tank road to where the cedars begain & Pinus ponderosa stops, then came back to Flagstaff.