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Oct. Sold my horses, Wrote up some notes & some letters, sent off the specimens & am ready to start for Prescott in the morning.
The mountain is covered with snow down into timber today & it has been cold all day.

" [[Ditto for: Oct.]] 10 Left Flagstaff at 5:20 A.M., before daylight. It is cold & frost on everything, ground froze & ice on ponds.
Forgot to take barometer reading as I started.
Reached Williams at 7 oclock & stopped for breakfast. Williams is 6950 feet.
Pinus ponderosa extends all along the R.R. to Williams & about five miles beyond where cedars & Pinus begin. The barometer registers the same here as at Williams
The cedars are mostly of the square barked species at first,
Ponderosa straggles along in the cedars to Fairview at 6150 feet. Below this no Ponderosa or PiƱon seen, & the cedars are all Juniperus virginianus. At Fairview begin Yucca baccata, Bears grass, evergreen oaks, & scrub oaks are common.
In the valley at Pineventa, 5300 feet, there are no cedars, but they may be seen on the hills all the way to Prescott Junction.