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A long descent over stony roads from top of Antelope Mts. down into valley, with Mesqui & cats claw bushes in the washes & flat Opuntia & Polyverda all along. Tamias harrisi seem to be common & their holes are numerous. Lepus sylvaticus & Texanus frequently seen & two Coyotes would hardly get out of our road. One was lying in the road & did not get up till the horses were within 100 feet of it & then only walked behind a bush while we passed within 50 feet of it.
Bumble-bee 2650.
Past Bumblebee the road gets rough again & we go up & along Black Cañon * then down into the cañon by a steep rough road. Cercus giganteus begin on the rocks above Black Cañon at 2700 feet: are small (not often 20 feet high) & scattiring. Fouqueria spinosa begins with the & is common all along the road especially in the most rocky places. It was dark when we reached Bumblebee & objects are dim though the moon is full.
After passing Black Cañon the road is not very rough & follows valleys & washes the rest of night.