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Oct. 14 Left Phoenix at 1 P.M. & arrived in Tucson at 7. Went to the Palace Hotel & stopped for the night.
Barometer at Phoenix at 9 A.M. 650.
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] 
" [[ditto for: Phoenix]] 1 P.M. 700.
" [[ditto for: Barometer]] at Maricopa 3 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 800.
" " [[dittos for: Barometer at]] Tucson 8 " [[ditto for: P.M.]] 1950.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 15 We found Mr. Brown & had a good talk with him. 
The train was late so we did not get off till 3 P.M. & reached Benson at 6 P.M. The train doesnt go south till morning so we have to lay over again.
From Tucson east it is level & rather  bare until we begin to go down into the San Pedro Valley, Then it is rough & hilly & deep washes & creeks & the R.R. is very crooked. There are some wet marshes along [[strikethrough]] along [[strikethrough]] here & grass in the valley. Yocatel & Yucca & cacti are common all along.
Had a lively ride on a freight.

("Yocatel" is a phonetic spelling of the common name of Foqueris splendens)