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Oct. 17 Intended to go to Callabasas in morning but were told that there was to be a full freight here at 4 P.M., so we decided to stay over a day. 
Hunted down the valley in Mexico till noon. Got each a Spermophilus gram. & some lizzards & birds. 
Got treed by an old cow that thirsted for our blood.
Saw some small flocks of Longspurs & some Jays. also a Falco mexicana. 
Skinned our specimens after [[strikethrough]] dinner [[strikethrough]] noon & were at the bull ring at 4 P.M. but were told that the fight would be tomorrow or Sunday.

Oct. 18 Reached Callabasas at 10:30 A.M. & secured lodging & got our trunks open & all settled by noon. Hunted & set traps in P.M., found lots of holes of Dipodops & some small holes. Killed some birds. shot at bats in the evening but did'nt get any.
We have a good place to work, the flats all around are covered with weeds or grass & there is a small creek & some ponds. Along the hills are lots of Mesquit trees & some cottonwoods on the flats.