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Oct. 19 went to traps & found just one Dipodops. Hunted all of forenoon & killed a bag of birds, but found no mammals. Killed a Geococcyx californica at 12 oclock & found its stomach fill of large grasshoppers & nothing else. Skinned birds most of P.M. The weather is beautiful, warm days & cool nights.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 20 Sunday. Went to the old church of the Mission de San Juan de Tumacacori, ten miles down the valley towards Tucson. Found it an interesting pile of old ruins & Dr. Stejneger took 9 photos of it.
Saw 5 Spermophilus grammurus & a big Jack Rabit.
Got back late with sore feet.
The valley is quite pretty in places, with large cottonwoods & wallnut trees along the creek & Mesquit trees over most of the flats. The grass is good & lots of cattle run in the valley. There are Mexicans living on small ranches here & there Live in little adobe houses & raise a few beans & squashes & red pepper & some barley & wheat.