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Oct. 21 Set 34 traps in forenoon & killed a few birds. In P.M. made 2 Hesperomys & 9 bird skins.
A pleasant day.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 22 Went to traps in morning & caught a Skunk & an Onychomys & two Perognathus & 4 Dipodops & a Hesperomys. Made up all of the skins except the Skunk. Baited my traps again in evening. The ants carry off all the bait through the day.
Dr. Stejneger killed a Defila acuta & two Calcarius ornatus.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 23 Went to traps & got 3 Dipodops & a little Perognathus & a Skunk & shot a Jack Rabbit.
Dr. Stejneger killed a cotton tail & 4 Grammurus.
Caught a Thomomys in evinng.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 24 Caught 5 Dipodops & 3 Perognathus & an Onychomys. Took up my traps on the flats & in the Mesquit brush on south side of valley & set out 20 in evening on the east side of valley in a wash. 
Set most of them for Perognathus & mice at holes under mesquit brush.