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Skinned the specimens & some from yesterdays lot. Worked till 9 oclock in evening. Got up at 6 in morning. We added 6 new birds to our list & a new snake.

Oct. 25 Caught a Hesperomys sonoriensis & two eremicus & 2 Onychomys & 2 Thomomys.

Went up to top of a high hill about 4 miles N.E. of the hotel. The barometer registered 2950 feet at starting at 8 A.M., & on the peak at 11:30 4550 feet.

Returned to the hotel at 2 P.M. at 3150.

The hill is rather bare & stony without trees. Fouquerie splendens & Agavias & Cacti & Yuccas are common on it. Saw one Deer near the top & tracks of more.

Shot a Rhyncophanes macownii from a flock of about 40 & saw a few Otocoris. Saw & shot at a Lepus texanus. Found no Spermophiles or Tamias. Found lots of holes of a big Dipodomys & set some traps for them in evening. Set 24 traps after sundown.