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Nov. 5. Caught some Perognathus & a Dipodomys & a Thomomys & shot a Rabbit & two Sigmodons & a Texas cardinal Grosbeak. Made up all the skins.
A cold morning & hardly warm enough to be pleasant during the day.

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 6 Went to traps & found a Thomomys & a Dipodomys & a Hesperomys eremicus, & a Perognathus & a Neotoma & a Sigmodon in them. Then went on to the Mts. S.E. of town, about 6 miles. Shot two Lepus [[later pencil insertion]] mexicana [[/pencil insertion]] & saw 4 more. 
The mountains are about 1000 feet higher than town & have no timber except Mesquit & Jersey Tea, are rocky & steep.
Had hard work to climb to the top. Found a lot of snail shells on top, all old empty ones, couldnt find any alive.
Killed one Junco & saw more; saw Deer tracks & one horn, a small one. 
Killed one Tamias harrisi on the rocks, saw no more. It was cold & windy.
Shot one S. grammurus on the rocks & killed a few birds.
Started about 7 A.M. & got back about 4 P.M. Have a good bag full of stuff to skin.

Transcription Notes:
removed one duplicate & -@meg_shuler