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Dec. 8 Sunday.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 9 Went down the river flats about two miles & then out over the higher ground to the N.E. Found a few holes on the flats that seem to be of Perognathus, set traps at these & some more traps for Dipodops at the edge of the valley.
Larrhea mexicana covers all of the land above the river flats. It is a bright & pretty evergreen, but stinks.
Saw very few birds & no mammals but Rabbits. Lepus texanus & sylvaticus were common. Tramped a long way through the deep loose sand & did not find much sign of life.
In P.M. took a trip around on the hills N. of town. Set some traps & shot a Tamias with a pale gray tail, saw 2 more.
In evening skinned the Tamias & 2 birds.
A warm day but windy & the air full of dust. Could hardly see across town. The river is dry & water in the wells is horrible. It tastes like old dirty soap suds & has a bad effect.