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Dec. 10 Caught 2 Dipodops & 2 Tamias (harrisi?) but no Perognathus.
Set more traps.
A cold morning & warm day. Not windy.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 11 A cold morning with a skim of ice on pond.
Caught a Dipodomys ordi & a Dipodops & a Hesperomys & 2 Neotomas & two Tamias harrisi. Nothing in my Perognathus traps. Have about 20 just for them.
Have in all 40 traps set but do not catch much. Tramped over the spur of the mountain but did not see a Tamias. found two in my traps though.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 12 A warm night.
Found 3 Perognathus [[underlined]] flavus [[/underlined]] in my traps & a Dipodomys ordi & a Neotoma & 3 Tamias harrisi & a Hesperomys.
Shot some birds & a Lepus texanus.
Went around over the hills & came down above the smelter to the river.
Found a good place to set traps over in a basin.
A hot day & no breeze.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Added date numbers in. -@siobhanleachman