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Dec. 16 Took up the last of my traps on the flats E. of town. Crossed over the ridge N.W. & set 20 traps in a little valley about 2 miles from town & probably 150 feet higher. set some traps among the rocks around the valley. Killed nothing. Scared a Coyote out of his bed under a bunch of Larrhea mexicana in a deep wash. Only had No. 12 shot in my gun & so did not shoot.
A strong wind from N.W. all day.

" [[ditto for: Dec]] 17 A cold night, no frost, did not expect to catch much but got 3 Thomomys & 3 Dipodomys ordi & 2 Tamias & 2 Perognathus, with spiny rumps, & an Onychomys. Saw 4 Coyotes together up on the hills. seem to be hunting Chipmunks. Saw 3 Chipmunks, shot one. 
A pleasant day, not hot.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 18 Caught a Dipodomys & 4 Tamias. Took up traps. set 2 for Skunks. 
Made up skins & wrote some.
A cold morning & warm day.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected ditto markup for one entry. -@siobhanleachman Dipodmys to Dipodomys -@meg_shuler