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Dec. 21 Went the round of my traps in A.M. & got a Hesperomys eremicas, an Onychomys, a Dipodomys ordi, & a big Dipodomys, a Lepus sylvaticus, In P.M. caught a Cynomys ludo. & shot a Lepus texanus.
Went over the hill north of town. It is rocky & about 500 feet high, then went out on the plain.
The country is dry plains & rocky hills. There is said to be a salt lake 15 miles north of here.
A cold, windy night & morning & not very warm all day.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 22 Found a Tamias & 2 Dipodomys ordi & 2 Onychomys in my traps.
Met Prof. W.H. Streeruwitz (dont know how to spell his name) who is in charge of a state Geological Surveying party about 15 miles east of here.
Got some information from him & had a pleasant chat of an hour.
A warm, pleasant day.

" [[ditto for: Dec.]] 23 Caught one Onychomys & 5 Prairie Dogs.
Took up my traps from the rocks on the hill S. of station & set some more on the flat N.
A cool morning & warm day.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Corrected a couple of typos. Vernon is talking about Prof. W. H. Streeruwitz, a colleague of Charles Doolittle Walcott! -@siobhanleachman