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Jan. 8 Caught 2 Hesperomys & a Thomomys & killed some birds. Hunted, set traps, & made up the skins. Tramped till 11 oclock in evening with the dogs, but they found nothing.

Cloudy & windy most of day, but no rain. cleared up in evening,

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 9 Caught a Urocyon virginianus in a trap set at hole in rocks. It was an old [[female symbol]] & very fat, a no. 0 steel trap held it by two toes of a fore foot. It got in the trap the first night after it was set, & I think they lack the cunning of the Red Fox.

Caught a Thomomys & a Hesperomys & shot a few birds & a Lepus texanus.

reset my traps, made up the skins & hunted.

A clear warm day, but found no S. grammurus out on rocks. The Buteos watch along the ledges & probably catch them.

Clouded up in evinng again.

Transcription Notes:
added back in standard page tags -@meg_shuler