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narrow & deep & contains some timber & brush. There is water in the creek in places but it does not run all the way. A cool morning at Marfa but warm at Lloyds.

Jan. 19  Sunday, found 2 Onychomys & a Geomys & a Thomomys in my traps.  

Took a long walk & saw a Urocyon virginianus & lots of Rabbits & some Quails. A warm, pleasant day.

" [[ditto for Jan.]] 20 Caught 2 Hosperomys & a Thomomys & shot a Gray Rabbit.

Made up the skins & set 28 traps & hunted some. Followed up the creek a mile or so. Found a lot of Red tailed Hawks in the Cottonwoods but didn't kill any.

Found signs of Dipodomys & Neotomas & mice.

A warm, pleasant day, wind from the N. in morning & from the S. in P.M.