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Jan. 21  Caught 2 Dipodomys ordi & 4 Onychomys & 6 Hesperomys & one Neotoma & a Geomys & shot 2 Lepus sylvaticus & one Lepus texanus & a Lynx & 7 Buteos & a Sturnella.

Cleaned gun & loaded shells & made 14 skins & skinned the rest of the small stuff. reset the traps.

A pleasant day, clear & warm, Have been rather busy,

The Hawks come into the Cottonwoods by dozens to roost & I shot them in evening, Found the Lynx in one of the cottonwoods & shot it with No. 8 shot.

Jan. 22 A nice clear, cool morning,

Caught a big, yellow, smoothe tailed Perognathus, (New). Caught a very large Geomys, 2 Onychomys, & 2 Hesperocomys.

Shot 2 Lepus sylvaticus,

Set the traps over, make up skins, Went down the caƱon in evening to set Skunk traps & got back after dark. The little turtles were "puddling" in the pools & frogs croaking as I came back.

A warm, pleasant day.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited Lupus to Lepus. - @siobhanleachman