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Jan. 26 Sunday, weather pleasant.

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 27 Packed up the rest of my specimens & sent them, packed my trunk & cleaned gun & loaded a lot of skulls & left Marfa at 2:30 P.M. for Langtry.
From Marfa the R.R. runs over rolling, grassy plains covered in places with Yuccas, no brush or trees. Prairie dogs numerous & all that were near enough to see plainly were Ludovicianus.
After riding about 30 minutes we come into hilly country, a range of low, bare mountains extending from Ft. Davis. The road winds around hills & along crooked valleys & we begin to go down a steep grade, so steep the R.R. has to make large curves to lessen the grade. Pasino is the first station among the hills, is nothing but a station, but is in quite a pretty valley. There are a few oaks on the rocks.
The country does not change much from the rocky hills & narrow, crooked valleys till near Altuda, where it is smoother & the valley wider. Water seems to be found all along by digging & stock is abundant. 
At Hayward there is a little creek, with small farms along it. There is brush & grass but no timber. It would be a good place