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The Opossums teats are in a group, - [[drawing: dots in a circle to represent teats]], with a young to each teat. Two more spots seemed to be rudimentary teats not yet developed.

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Jan. 30 A damp, misty morning but cleared up before noon.
Made 4 Quail skins & then went to traps. Caught a Spermophile, like 13lineatus, & an Opossum in a trap set at a hole. It is an old [[female symbol]] & has 9 very small young in the pouch. each young has fast hold of a teat & keeps clawing the wet brown hair to pull itself down closer. The old one did not offer to fight. Caught 3 Hesperomys & a Sigmodon. Shot some birds. 
In P.M. went across the creek & down on the other side. Found a lot of fossil shells, saw turtles, killed some birds, & found good holes for Skunks.
Got all the things skinned but the Opossum in evening.
A warm day.

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 31
Caught 2 Sigmodons & a Hesperomys, & a Rabbit. Shot another Rabbit & some birds. Made up skins & hunted.
Saw lots of Rabbits but no other mammals except Sigmodons, they seem to be quite diurnal.
Cloudy & misty in forenoon, cleared in P.M. Warm.